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Welcome to our clubs page here you will be able to found out information about different clubs within our school.


Art plays a key role within our school community, not only is it offered as a subject at both the junior cycle and senior cycle levels but our Art department is heavily involved in other initiatives within our school community and the wider community.

Art provides our students with the opportunity to develop their motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness.

  • In 2020, our Transition Year art group were asked to partake in a special exhibition looking at the UN Convention Rights of the Child, this exhibition was in conjunction with the Glucksman near UCC.
  • Our art department has been involved in the Art Project in association with North Cathedral Credit Union where students’ artwork was exhibited on Shandon Street and Roman Street in Cork City. LCA students have been involved in a sustainable t-shirt design initiative. Our art department is also kept busy during key events such as our awards day, Christmas events, TY musical among other popular events.

A selection of our student’s artwork will be made available here shortly.

TY Art Project 2020 

TY Art Project 2015

Stage Design for TY School Musicals 



In Transition Year students have the opportunity to be involved in a school musical. This involves months of preparation in all aspects of putting on a musical from singing, dancing, acting, set design and construction, back stage, props, lighting and PR. All students are given the chance to be involved in some aspect of the production. Previous productions include ‘High School Musical’ and ‘The Addams Family’.

Geography Club


Launched in December 2019, the North Monastery Geography Club allows students to develop their skills from both junior cycle and senior cycle geography and students with a general interest in the subject.

North Monastery Geography Club helps our students to use scientific methods and pursues scientific principles and logic. Our club helps to empower our students to become responsible active and sustainable citizens within our school and the wider community.

Students attend the annual Geography Association Schools Quiz. Take part in regular Geography field trips and students are currently working on Geography projects linked with the UCC Geography Department and Met Éireann. Our club also works closely with our Green Schools Committee.

The Geography club is led by Transition Year students. We hope to recruit new students in the 2020-2021 academic year. Students who are interested in joining please attend one of our meetings on Thursdays at lunchtime in our Geography room.


  • Every year our students compete in the annual Cork Geography Teachers Association inter-schools quiz.
  • Our TY’s and Senior Cycle classes take part in regular Geography field trips.

History Club


The North Monastery History Club was established in 2016 with the aim of preserving the proud traditions of “The Mon”. The Club has made highlighting and celebrating the school’s glorious history it’s mission. The Club welcomes all members who have a genuine interest in local history and who would like to know more about the proud traditions of An Mhainistir Thuaidh!

What we do

  1. The Club has an annual foreign trip as well as additional local trips
  2. The History Boys are involved in a number of competitions at both County and National level
  3. Many school based projects are undertaken during the year
  4. Raise money for local charities
  5. Protect and care for the many historical artefacts of the school
  6. Represent the school at historical events


Our Achievements 

  1. In 2017 the Club President addressed French media in French at a state ceremony in Toulouse.
  2. Since 2017 we have always won an award in the Thomas Meagher Awards & Scholarship programme including 1st place in 2019 which included a €5,000 scholarship!
  3. Since 2018 we have won a number of awards in the Cork School Heritage Awards in categories such as Junior Cert Group, Leaving Cert Group & Leaving Cert Individual. We have also previously received the award for Best School Effort!
  4. Since 2018 we have been the only school group to create and run our own stall at the Celebrating Cork Past Exhibition.
  5. Since 2018 we are the only school-based group that takes part on Cork Heritage Open Day.
  6. We have received certificates of accomplishment in the Trinity College Book of Kell’s competition 2018 & 2019
  7. In 2020 we became the first Irish group to enter the Never Such Innocence competition and have received certificates of accomplishment.

If you think you might like to get involved there is an information pamphlet on the club available below.

How the students benefit 

  1. Students that join the club will be taught different skills such as research and presentation skills
  2. The boys as they get more confident in their work are given extra freedom and responsibility within the club which encourages them to develop leadership skills as well as organisational and self-evaluation skills
  3. Some students have found their work very useful in class also with some students having used their work in the club for both Leaving Cert and Junior Cert Projects for History, CSPE and Politics and Society.

Heritage Day

Since 2018 the History Club has taken part in Cork Heritage Open Day. On the day the boys give tours and talks that they have created themselves. Every year they also hold a themed exhibition and produce a maximum of three information pamphlets about local history.

Sample pamphlets can be viewed below as well as a link to a virtual tour of the school and grounds. All this material was created by the History Club members.

Our Partners

During the lifetime of the club we have had the good fortune to work closely with organisations within the local community. These relationships are very important in developing the Club. We would like to thank the following organisations for supporting the Club since its foundation.

  1. Cork City Council
  2. North Mon Past Pupils Union
  3. Cork Genealogical Society
  4. The Western Front Association
  5. Thomas F Meagher Foundation
  6. Discover Cork: School’s Heritage Project
  7. Independence Museum Kilmurry

Other Information 


Science Club

The North Monastery CBS has gained significant success in extracurricular projects involving scientific research and development. Specifically, students have taken part and have won many prestigious awards in BT Young Scientist and SciFest. These accomplishments have earned the respect of commercial and R+D companies that seek out the brightest minds. As a result, our students have been selected for scholarships and have worked along with Engineers and Scientists in creating proof of concepts for establishing prototypes as Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) . This experience has provided our students with the skills and vision of what they’d like to pursue in college and as a career later on.

In empowering our students, science teachers in the North Monastery have a wealth of experience in academic and commercial product development. This particular skill set has seamlessly transitioned into our Teaching and Learning plan where students get first-hand knowledge of how to think scientifically and in utilising problem solving skills that is sought out by our smart economy. In the North Mon, students get the chance to study coding and in designing electronic circuits. Fundamentally, these skills are the building blocks for the various projects that students bring to fruition. In integrating electronics/coding students encounter technical problems and this is where students need to have a firm grasp of reducing problems to more simplified versions, that are more manageable, which is prerequisite to problem solving in technical disciplines. In addition, science lessons hugely incorporate how academic work directly relates to the real world and this leads to creative thinking that can enable students developing interesting and novel approaches to problems which has yielded winning performances at BT Young Scientist and SciFest.

Many students have gone on to college to study engineering/science and moreover past North Mon students have led industry and have held the most senior academic positions in universities throughout the world. Long live this tradition!

North Mon Students at BT Young Scientist 2019



The North Mon Music Department is very active within our school community.

  • Music is offered at both junior and senior cycle
  • The North Mon Singing Group meets every Tuesday at 1:05 pm;those who enjoy singing or playing an instrument are encouraged to attend.
  • Musical – a school musical is offered every second year where Transition Year students and other year groups get involved to showcase their talents.
  • Other activities: Students have the opportunity to perform at school events such as the Christmas concert, annual awards ceremony, and open night. They have also been involved in local events such as ‘One Book One Community’ and sung Christmas Carols in Blackpool. The group is about having fun while developing their singing and instrumental skills