5th/6th: Youth Health Service Workshop

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Re: For Parents/Guardians with a child in 5th/6th year

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Your child is scheduled to participate in a two-hour workshop with Youth Health Service (YHS) on Tuesday, November 21st. YHS offers free sexual health and mental health services to teenagers and young adults up to 21 years old.

The presentation by YHS is conducted under the guidance of the HSE. During the session, YHS staff will engage with your child to discuss the services they provide, their approach to working with young people, and the limitations to confidentiality. Topics covered will include sexual health information, consent, and the impact of social media on young individuals.

The event will be held at North Monastery Co-educational Secondary School. Therefore, the school administration is seeking your consent for your child to attend these workshops. If you choose not to grant permission, your child will proceed with their regular school day. Kindly complete the form below.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr Barry (Year Head for 6th Year)